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Seminar: Revisiting A Thousand and One Nights Play

Seminar: Revisiting A Thousand and One Nights

Publicado el 05 de junio 2024
This seminar, organised in collaboration with the Sheikh Zayedl Book Award, will be held on Monday 10 June at Casa Árabe's headquarters in Madrid. An open day to shed light on some aspects of this formidable work. Register now to attend. The Thousand and One Nights is a masterpiece of world storytelling, whose complexity and variety of stories have made it a true literary treasure. Its interweaving of tales of adventure, romance, magic and morality has placed it in a prominent place in the history of literature, offering a source of fascination and inspiration, capturing the imagination of readers of all ages and cultures throughout the centuries. The universe of Alf Layla wa Layla is so vast that it invites many different readings. With this in mind, Casa Árabe and the Sheikh Zayed Book Award have organized this open day to shed light on some unknown aspects of this formidable work. 18:00 Welcome Irene Lozano, Director-General, Casa Árabe H.E. Ali Bin Tamim, Secretary-General of the Sheikh Zayed Book Award and Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre S.E. Saoud Al Hosani, Undersecretary of the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi 18:10 Opening words: That magical and prodigious book Luis Alberto de Cuenca, poet laureate (2015) and former director of Spanish National Library 18:20 Revisiting 1001 Nights Mounira Soliman, Re-writing A thousand and One Nights from a feminist viewpoint (20 min). Many critics and readers argue then that the tales from The Arabian Nights degrade women as they are considered to be nothing more than objects of pleasure or causing the downfall of men. But Shahrazad’s fierce individuality, singular cleverness, and apparent charisma transform her into a champion for women, who transgresses without effectively altering the attitudes of her society. She stands as an epitome of a modern woman feminist, her influence encompassing generations after generations. Salvador Peña, Multimodal Shahrazad: A Thousand and One Nights and its re-enactments (20 min) Throughout the centuries the Thousand and One Nights have passed time and again from its original form of a well-known book to adaptations in different means of expression. We propose a brief overview of some of the most important ones in literature, music, cinema, theater and painting, trying to answer the question: have these adaptations been faithful to the original message of the work? 19:00 Hanoos Hanoos, The Brushes of The Arabian Nights (10 min) The painter, of Iraqi origin and living in Spain, will talk about how he has captured, in his recent exhibition 'Shahrazad and the Arabian Nights', the stories and characters immersed in his daily life through the use of shapes, composition or nuances. His creative process emphasizes the importance of color, with the ability to highlight or hide part of the story. His sources of inspiration represent the heritage of European art, where East and West coexist in the foreground. Paulo Lemos Horta, Shahrazad and Hanna Diyab: storytellers of A Thousand and One Nights The talk will focus, on the one hand, on Shahrazad as the narrator of the tales rather than as the Sultan's love interest, and on the other, on Hanna Diyab, the Syrian who passed on the most famous tales such as "Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp", "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" and "Prince Ahmed and the Fairy Pari Banu", added to Antoine Galland's collection of tales in French in the early 18th century. The emphasis on these two storytellers in a new light suggests different ways of approaching The Thousand and One Nights and reveals new information. Further information: https://en.casaarabe.es/eventos-arabes/show/revisiting-a-thousand-and-one-nights Desirée López Bernal, The tales of Ali Baba and Aladdin and their traces in the European folklore tradition (20 min) The last volumes of the French translation-adaptation of The Arabian Nights published by Antoine Galland contain two of the tales that were most successful with the European public: Aladdin and Ali Baba. Introduced in Europe from Galland's text, they were soon widely disseminated, becoming established in the oral traditions of almost the entire continent, to the point of being today a typical tale of international folklore. In this talk we will explore in detail how and when both tales were included by Galland in his Mille et une nuits and we will learn about the impact that both stories had on the European folklore tradition, with special attention to Spain. 19:50 Debate with the public


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  • El fénix islamista (ESP)Ver vídeo

    El fénix islamista (ESP)

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    Publicado el 12 de marzo 2015
  • Memorial de transiciones (1939-1978). La generación de 1978Ver vídeo

    Memorial de transiciones (1939-1978). La generación de 1978

    La Fundación Transición Española y Galaxia Gutenberg oganizaron el 25 de febrero de 2015 la presentación del libro "Memorial de transiciones (1939-1978). La generación de 1978", de Juan Antonio Ortega Díaz- Ambrona. La introducción del acto corrió a cargo del profesor Santos Juliá, que mantuvo una conversación con el autor. Este "Memorial de transiciones" narra los orígenes del régimen actual y la descomposición del franquismo. El autor va engarzando, con excelente pluma, sucesos de su propia vida personal a otros de carácter colectivo, en una crónica apasionante y evocadora de casi cuarenta años (1939-1978). Explica la Transición a la luz de múltiples mini-transiciones previas y muestra cómo maduró la idea de la reforma política y cuántos escenarios imaginados quedaron en futuribles. Más información: http://www.casaarabe.es/eventos-arabes/show/memoria-de-transiciones-1939-1978-la-generacion-de-1978
    Publicado el 05 de marzo 2015
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    Presentación de "Vino", de Mohammed Bennis (versión en español)

    Casa Árabe y Ediciones del Oriente y del Mediterráneo organizaron, el miércoles 11 de febrero de 2015 en la sede de Casa Árabe en Madrid, la presentación del libro de poemas "Vino", de Mohammed Bennis. En el acto, acompañando al autor, también estuvieron Clara Janés, poeta y directora de la colección «Poesía del Oriente y del Mediterráneo»; Antonio Gamoneda, poeta; Federico Arbós, traductor y arabista; y Eduardo López Busquets, director general de Casa Árabe. La velada incluyó la lectura de varios poemas. Más información: http://www.casaarabe.es/eventos-arabes/show/presentacion-de-vino-de-mohamed-bennis
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